Friday, September 26, 2008

Presidential Debate

Things I liked about the debate:
1. The fact that McCain showed up
2. "In 16 months we should be able to REDUCE our troops" -Obama
3. "orgy of spending" -Obama
4. "I think we need MORE troops"(in Afghanistan) -Obama
5. McCain's s whistle
6. "I have not been elected Ms. Congeniality in the Senate" (he said this twice) -McCain
7. The random coughs from the pitch black audience

So let me get this straight in one corner we have Obama who will pull us out of Iraq eventually and put us in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And it's the other guy that's the war monger? And in the other corner we have McCain who wants to freeze spending on EVERYTHING except defense (war, killing people, having our own soldiers killed) and veteran health (but not health for the rest of the country). I'm honestly not sure how I feel about all this.

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