Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This might be weird....

We have something called Potty Talk. Potty Talk is a little flier that is put in every stall so we have something to do while in the bathroom. Anyway... the theme this month is sexual assault. Two things on the flier when taken separately are completely reasonable and seem obvious, but when put together are contradicting. On the top of the flier was the definition of consent, and how like we've all heard a million times, a drunk consent is not consent because the girl is too incapacitated to agree to anything. And, on the bottom was a few common misconceptions guys have about rape. The last one was "I was drunk too so its not my fault." The response was "Just like drinking and driving, you are 100% responsible for all of your actions while drunk." This is where things get fuzzy for me. I can't understand why when a guy is drunk he is still responsible for his actions, but when a girl is drunk she's not responsible at all, for her actions, behaviors, or words. So when two people are completely drunk and they have sex, even if the girl dressed provocatively, flirted all night, and finally consented, it is still rape. If it is ok to tell guys to watch their behavior when they're drunk, then why isn't ok to tell girls to not put themselves in those situations. I'm not saying that any girl who gets wasted at a crowded party without friends watching her and dressed in a way that leaves little to the imagination deserves to get raped. But I think she is not preventing it or protecting herself from it. People like to say girls should have the right to dress however, dance however, and act however, without fear of getting raped. But I disagree... I don't think it's smart to wear all black on a rainy foggy night walking along side of a busy highway just as much as I don't think it's smart to dress like a hussy and freak dance and get so drunk you cant think straight around a whole bunch of guys that are drinking also. Why can't girls hold some of the responsibility. We don't like to talk this way because its rude or mean or unjust to those who have been raped in a party situation like this... but sometimes hard things need to be said to protect girls that haven't yet learned how to protect themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...