Wednesday, April 30, 2008

oh yeah...

Forgot to mention my new job. I just got hired onto the executive council of the residential learning community association (RLCA). Its a leadership position that I get paid for! They cover the cost to live in the dorms so now tuition and housing is covered. Now I just have to find a way for Santa Clara to pay for my food! Then I'll be coming here for scott free!!! The job is pretty tough though, I have to plan fun events.. kind of like what I do now on Xavier Leadership Council, and I have to attend meetings...kind of like what I do now for all the other groups I'm in, and I have to do two hours of desk time a week in the office... kind of like what I do now at my current job as a desk receptionist at my dorm. Sooooo... I think I'll be able to handle getting paid for what I already do now:)

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