Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Town Hall?

I don't know if you've been to a Town Hall legislator meeting but I have. It doesn't look ANYTHING like what I just watched on NBC. The purpose of the town hall debates in my mind is to have a more open forum with the people. That's why there is no podium, just chairs. No dark, invisible audience, just people in the light sitting up close and personal surrounding the candidates. The candidates can look in the eye of the questioner, walk to them, talk directly to them. This is the idea, not the reality. The questions seemed scripted and could have easily been read by the moderator. It was not an open discussion like the town hall meeting I went to where if you asked a legislator a question and they danced around it, you could raise your hand again and hold them accountable asking them to clarify or I don't know actually answer it. I'm glad we made Senator McCain comfortable since this is his "style" but I wish we could have held true to the actual purpose of a town hall style debate.

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