Sunday, February 22, 2009


Sorry I haven't written in a while.......
I got to go to the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf Tourney last weekend! It was amazing! Here are some pics...
These are my next year roomies at Alex's beach house in Carmel. Our house is named Love house so we spell out Love wherever we go
This is the gang at the Pebble Beach Golf Tourney. It was a bit windy.

We were pumped!

I got to shake Bill Murrey's Hand!!!

This is me and my valentine Justin Timberlake!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby Mama

If a woman, who by all means seems to be a great mother wants to have seven children she can have seven children. If she has been able to afford to feed and take care of all six of her previous children and continue to go to school, she had every right to want to have a final child with the last remaining eggs she had frozen. If God blessed her by giving her eight babies for the six eggs (which is statistically impossible) than obviously He has a great plan and full faith in her abilities. For people to call this woman irresponsible for miraculously and accidentally getting pregnant with octuplets instead of just one child is ridiculous. All of her other children seem happy and safe and healthy and I wish her the best of luck with her eight new blessings.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend with the fam

This past weekend I got to hang out with Janet and my mom in Soquel (Grandma flew in Sunday afternoon). It was really relaxing and I made sure to take advantage of being off campus; appreciating the dead silence as a fell asleep (opposed to the obnoxious yelling and music in the dorms till three AM), the fresh fruit as a snack (versus cheeze-its), the private shower (versus public wear I have to wear my shoes), and the dinners out (opposed to at least two pbjs a day). Thanks for havin me Kiwi!

Tonight I will be going out to dinner again with the fam to celebrate my mother becoming elderly:) She turns 50 today!!!
Happy Bday Mom!